This past Tuesday, 19th September 2023, KB Fitness held the first KB Kickboxing White Belt Grading.
KB Grading days are always very emotional for everyone involved. For the graders, this is when they show off their hard work and prove that they have earned their KB Kickboxing belts. Their peers who aren’t grading are there to show their support, bringing their energy and their loud ki-ais to the dojo.
For Chief Examiner Kelly KB and her teaching team, it is a day of pride when they see that their students have indeed absorbed their teachings and are ready to reach for the stars.
For all at KB Fitness, it is history being made. Especially when, after 25 years, the school debuted the KB Kickboxing White Belt. You can read more about
the KB Kickboxing White Belt in our news item entitled WhiteBelt Buzz.
There were many motivational and good luck messages in the school’s WhatsApp group on Tuesday morning, and all throughout the day. Here’s a small selection:
“Happy White Belt Grading Day! Excited to see all the graders excel this evening!” said Beth.
“Good luck tonight White Belt Graders! You’ll smash it.” said Neil.
“Good luck everyone for your first belt, we will be there to support you!” said Alice.
When you experience something that completely changes your life for the better, it is only natural that you would want more people to have the same experience. This is the spirit with which KB Fitness’ longer term members talk about KB Kickboxing and KB Kung Fu Gradings.
A total of 7 beginners graded to White Belt, with 11 higher grades alongside them. These higher grades, who already have some or all of their belts, wanted to support them and pass the one KB Kickboxing Grading that didn’t exist when they were beginners.
One of them was Jane Hamilton, KB Kickboxing Black Belt and KB Kung Fu Black Sash, whose last KB grading was 8 years ago. She said afterwards: “It was such an amazing feeling to be grading again after 8 or so years, especially as I thought my grading journey was complete! To take the new KB White Belt alongside the first time graders was an unforgettable experience, and in a sense took me back to the beginning, but at the same time, I could see how far I have come and how I can help support and guide the new generation – just as Kelly has guided me all these years 😊.”
It was indeed unforgettable. The first wave of KB White Belts have done an amazing job at setting the bar high for the future White Belt graders, with excellent technique, fitness and commitment.
After a very intense 45-minute grading, all 18 graders passed and were awarded their belts. As KB classes resumed for the remainder of the night, the higher grades were allowed to wear their KB White Belts as well as their current belts – for one night only! There were all kinds of belt combinations, from Green all the way to Black mixed in with the shiny new White. Showing that, no matter their level, KB members are proud to show their support for their peers.
At 8pm, KB members bowed out of class and ended the night celebrating their achievements at the local pub. Happy memories were made, KB history was made, and many, many congratulations and thank you messages were sent in the school’s WhatsApp Group.
“Congratulations graders! You worked so hard, you should be very proud. I loved watching you guys giving it everything. Can’t wait to see you wearing your new belts to class! Such a special and unique night in KB history, thank you Kelly for making tonight happen. How many thousands of people have these wonderful moments and memories thanks to you??” said Jess.
“Thanks so much Kelly for tonight’s grading and thanks to everyone for being so encouraging and for such a special evening. Congratulations fellow White Belts!“ said Sussie, KB Kickboxing White Belt.
“Thank you so much for such a wonderful evening, the energy was amazing and I’m so happy! Congratulations fellow new white belts 🤍 It’s such a privilege to be part of a first for the school’s history!” said Yasmin, KB Kickboxing, White Belt.
“A massive THANK YOU to Kelly for another amazing KB Grading and KB Social. You have truly created an exceptional Martial Arts School and we are SO lucky to have found you.” said Sue, KB Kickboxing Purple Belt, who graded alongside the new White Belts.
Kelly (KB) said: “KB HISTORY IS MADE!!! PHENOMENAL NIGHT!!!! ❤🖤 Well done to everybody!”
For the new White Belts, this is just the beginning of their journey. With guidance and determination, they can go on to achieve all 15 KB belts.
KB Fitness has been inspiring and motivating generations of martial artists for 25 years. Changing lives, helping people to become more confident, and to become better, happier versions of themselves. Do you want to be part of KB history, too? Take the first step in investing in yourself, book a KB Kickboxing London trial class.