“KB Sundays are always fantastic but no two are the same, there are always special moments and surprises,” said Jess Baker, KB Senior Instructor.
In KB Fitness’ 24 years of existence, many KB Kickboxing belts have been awarded, many tournaments have been fought, many medals and trophies have been won in internal and external competitions alike.
You might think that after all these years, things get less exciting. Not so for Chief Instructor Kelly KB and her students. As Jess said, there are always special moments and surprises and this time around was no different.
On Sunday 11th June, one of the hottest days of the year so far, KB members assembled at their Euston dojo with to show their Chief Examiner Kelly KB that they were ready to step up and earn their KB Kickboxing belts. They had been training hard over the past months in preparation for this day. Kelly KB awarded 4 KB Kickboxing Blue Belts, 2 KB Kickboxing Orange Belts, 2 KB Kickboxing Brown Belts, 2 KB Kickboxing Black Belts and 1 KB Kung Fu Black Sash.
There were 11 graders, and 20 of their peers also came to train alongside them such as Jenny, KB Black Belt, who temporarily came back from a break to support her peers (as well as winning first place in KB Kickboxing tournament). She said in the school’s WhatsApp group at the end of the day: “Well done graders. So much skill and fire in one room. Amazing pushing through the heat and doing your training prep proud. Thank you, Kelly, for another fabulously coordinated KB Sunday!”
Ruth, who came to train and cheer for the graders, said: “What a great day – it was a privilege to be part of it! So great to be in such a full room at the start too. Congratulations graders! And thank you Kelly for making it all happen and making KB such a special place.”
It was a day of celebration and positivity for everyone involved. That is the beauty of KB Fitness’ ethos: KB members learn to punch and kick one another, sparring for points, but the school is about so much more than that. KB students show nothing but happiness at seeing their fellow students achieving their goals.
KB Kickboxing Blue Belt Graders (1st belt of 6) passed with high standards and joyous smiles and were awarded their belts after one hour of intense assessment.
“Thank you everyone for such a special day. I’m grateful to be a part of this community and so grateful for all the support I received in helping me to get to where I am today. So, thank you very much to the teaching team – Kelly KB, Jess, and Dee – and to my fellow KB-ers who have all taught me so much,” said Laura, who achieved her KB Blue Belt.
Next came the Intermediate Grades, KB Kickboxing Orange Belts (3rd belt). Some KB members say that the jump from Green to Orange belt is the most challenging, as it requires an extra intensity, speed and accuracy to their techniques. After two hours of fire and determination, Kelly KB proudly awarded two KB Orange Belts.
Timm, who achieved KB Orange Belt standard on Sunday said: “Thank you so much for this day. You can’t imagine how much it meant to me to be there and grading. When I was around 30, I was reading a study saying that almost everyone above 27 loses fitness over time. Even though that may be true I’m very happy that I could prove to myself today that this doesn’t has to be the way it goes for everyone. Special thanks to Kelly for pushing me so much for the last couple of years and to Bess for being an excellent, caring, and motivating grading partner!”
Adam and Phoebe made it to KB Kickboxing Senior Grades and were awarded their KB Brown Belts (5th belt), after training hard for 3 hours, from 11:30am to 2:30pm.
Frederike, KB Instructor, said: “Congratulations to the two new KB Kickboxing Brown Belts, Adam and Phoebe!!! I was behind them for most of the air work sections during the grading, and they were both looking so consistently strong, the months of grading prep have clearly paid off! Well done on joining the Senior Grades, both of them.”
“Senior Grades Phoebe and Adam made a great pair – well done for Phoebe for making so much improvement – she’s grown so much she’s almost unrecognisable – and Adam for again being committed to his training and overcoming adversities to achieve his brown belt,” commended Ryan, KB Kickboxing Black Belt and KB Kung Fu Black Sash.
After showcasing all they have learned in their years at KB Fitness under Kelly KB’s tutelage, and digging deep within their souls during a tough grading, Kelly FN and Neil emerged elated (albeit a little tired, after 3 hours and 15 minutes) and were awarded their KB Black Belts, numbers 29 and 30 in KB history.
Here’s what they had to say after:
Kelly FN said: “Thank you, Kelly, for a day that I can only describe as magical. I still can’t quite believe it happened. I wish I could bottle up my memories of this day so I could see it again and not forget it ever. Thank you, Dee, Jess, and Marianne, for being our grading panel and for every whispered motivational word. Congrats everyone who graded and mocked today. We are all part of a truly special school.”
Neil said: “Thanks for a wonderful day, Kelly! KB Sundays are always great, but today was extra special for me, of course. Well done to all the graders and mockers and thanks to everyone who came to support us and who has been a part of this special day.”
Last, but not least, Ryan also deserves a special mention. Ryan received his KB Black Belt in Kickboxing in June 2021. Like many KB members, he knew that his journey didn’t end there. As a true martial artist, he knows that there is always something to learn, and that achieving KB Black Belt was in fact the start of a new journey. This is especially true of KB students as, alongside KB Kickboxing, they learn KB Kung Fu.
On 11th June 2023, Ryan was awarded his KB Kung Fu Black Sash, making him the 9th person ever to achieve this standard, and the first male student to ever achieve this standard.
Spectators were allowed to enter the KB Kickboxing dojo at 2:30pm to cheer for the KB Black Belt Graders as they faced multiple opponents in sparring and KB Self Defence. Once all belts had been awarded, Kelly KB taught a sparring class in preparation for the KB Kickboxing tournament that would take place shortly after.
Among cheers from the spectators and their peers, the competitors fought at the highest standard, scored many points, and displayed the skills that KB Kickboxing classes have to offer to those who want to become martial artists.
Jenny and Ryan competed for first place in the final, in a show of beautifully placed and controlled techniques, and had the entire dojo cheering and roaring.
Congratulations on the tournament win, Jenny! Congratulations too, to everyone who took part in such a joyous KB Sunday. Much was achieved and you should all be very proud of yourselves.
Kelly KB said: “Thanks for taking the time to share your appreciation by sending messages and emails. KB Sundays are so moving, powerful and uplifting. I am grateful that my school is full of committed, high achieving, wonderful people. VERY WELL DONE TODAY for everything you achieved. Much love and respect to you all.”
Are you at all intrigued by the grading system? Thinking of starting training in the martial arts? Try a KB Kickboxing class today and find out if KB can be a good place for you to invest in your wellbeing.