KB Benefits


Our social media post from 8th January shows an image of two KB members, Nick Viljoen and Adam Goulding, smiling mid-conversation, along with Nick’s quote: “Training at KB Fitness has made my life better because it has made me more confident, more positive, healthier and happier.”

As soon as the social media post was shared in the KB WhatsApp group, KB members engaged in conversation about the quote and how training in the martial arts has positively influenced their lives. Many of our members have been training for 5+, 10+ and even 20+ years, further confirming that KB gives something very special to its students.

“KB: changing lives for the better since 1999,” said Kelly Fiestas, who’s been a KB member for 9 years.

Phoebe Necel, who’s been training at KB for 8 years said: “My only regret is not having found KB earlier in my life. I’m grateful for Kelly and her team every day for making me the person I am today. I may well be a KB member for the rest of my life.”

“Sometimes you’re tired, busy, low mood, etc and have to motivate yourself to get into class, but it’s always worth it. I don’t think I’ve ever had a class where I didn’t feel healthier and happier afterwards,” said Adam, who has been training for 9 years. He also commented on the image that featured him and Nick to say, “Good looking couple in my humble opinion.”, which caused much merriment in the group.

The benefits of training when tired or “feeling low” is a highly discussed topic because KB members all agree that those are the days when they most benefit from a high energy KB Kickboxing class.

“I do force myself to go to the class sometimes as I am usually rather tired at the end of the day, but I know that firstly I will enjoy it, which I do enormously, and secondly it’s very good for my fitness, which should make me less tired overall. And thirdly, I always feel energised afterwards. I am so glad I found KB Fitness, I never expected to enjoy such a physical activity as I am usually in my head rather than my body,” said Liz, who started training 3 years ago.

Our first instinct when feeling tired after a busy work day is to simply go home and rest. This may be a logical decision, but for a martial artist, discipline and consistency in training are paramount. Not just because training regularly aids in our progress, but also because training becomes part of who we are.

Those like Liz, who challenge themselves to show up for a KB Kickboxing class even when they are tired, discover that the class never fails to lift their mood and relieve the stress of the day, leaving them feeling refreshed to face the challenges of the next day.

Jess, who’s now in her 20th year of training, summarised: “You never regret training! And, actually, I think on the nights you might struggle (for any reason) to get there, you need that endorphin boost most of all.”

Neil, who’s been training at KB for 16 years, also shared his thoughts on Nick’s quote: “I can definitely relate to Nick’s words – training at KB has improved my health and confidence no end! Before I started, I was very unfit and shy, but my fitness has improved so much and I have the confidence to do things I’d have never been able to do before!”

Chief Instructor Kelly Bunyan (KB) recently said: “25 years on, and we still love what we do. We can only hope that our teachings, and the things we stand for, make a positive impact in the lives of our members in the dojo and beyond, for however long they train with us.”

For those who may be searching for fun ways to work out, or a different fitness routine, why not try a KB Kickboxing class? Our members have said it themselves: You won’t regret it. Come and discover the benefits you can reap from a KB Kickboxing class London.




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