“Another KB Kung Fu grading slam-dunked. Well done to all involved. A wonderful night,” said Chief Instructor Kelly KB in the school’s WhatsApp group after a successful grading on Tuesday 21st February.
KB members started the day in true KB tradition by sharing their excitement, and wishing the KB Kung Fu graders good luck. Having achieved Black Sash standard in KB Kung Fu, and Black Belt standard in KB Kickboxing, both Jess and Jenny have experienced the joy of grading, many times. They offered some words of advice and encouragement.
Jenny sent: “Good luck everyone! Take a deep breath before you go in and then show Kelly you’re fighting for your sash. I’m sure you’ll all do amazingly and have well deserved shiny sashes to model at the pub.”
Jess added: “What an exciting day! Each sash is special and we never get to repeat the experience, so just enjoy it and give it your everything. You’ll feel on top of the world afterwards!”
Achieving sashes at KB takes many months (sometimes years, depending on the level) of preparation and fine-tuning, and a lot of hard work. Whether they are grading for their first KB Kung Fu sash or their sixth, KB members give 100% commitment, making themselves and their Chief Instructor proud.
Kim said, early in the day: “You can already see the camaraderie, encouragement and energy building. I would highly recommend beginning the grading journey to anyone. I’m so grateful to everyone who has contributed constructive suggestions, extra practice, kind words and lent their energy during this process. Excited to see everyone ready to soar.”
Kung Fu is a traditional martial art, passed down through generations, and is steeped in respect and discipline. Therefore, the whoops and cheers that have become part of the KB DNA had to be absent for the duration of last week’s grading. KB members still found a way to motivate one another by way of slight nods, whispered motivation, and very loud ki-ais.
Eight KB Kung Fu students graded that night, but the room was also filled with non-graders, there to lend support, energy and motivation.
“A big motivation for me was to see the room full of KB members, beginners and higher grades, all training together, supporting us graders and contributing to the energy. It made all the difference. At one point I looked to the side and saw the higher grades, KB Brown and Black Sashes, doing the techniques with so much fire and commitment, and that was really inspiring,” said Kelly FN who was awarded her KB Kung Fu Purple Sash.
At the end of the night, Kim sent another message: “I felt really nervous before I got to the dojo but as soon as I entered the dojo and saw everyone there to encourage and support one another, I felt such peace and excitement about the opportunity to grade. You are all amazing and I’m so glad to train with you.”
People join KB Fitness with different goals in mind. They come from different backgrounds and cultures, they may have very different jobs and interests, but one thing is certain: KB Fitness has brought them together and made them into a strong team of people who genuinely care about one another. This is one of the things that makes the KB experience priceless.
Ruth describes her feelings well: “Grading is such an individual thing but, at KB, it’s also collective – everyone helps with the training and fine-tuning, we support each other, everybody cheers as loudly for the beginners as they do for the higher grades. It’s a wonderful place for all of us to achieve our grading goals, and just have a great time training – thank you, Kelly!”
KB members all agree that KB Fitness is indeed a special place where they are supported and their achievements celebrated. Want to reach for the stars and receive the KB support and guidance to soar that high? Book your first KB London Kickboxing class today and come experience the KB camaraderie for yourself.