Over the years there have been many special moments at KB Fitness. Tournaments, gradings, class live feeds, end of year celebrations, and countless far-from-ordinary classes.
In order to capture those moments, a steady and reliable hand is needed. Hands of someone who knows just how precious those memories are. From one generation to the next, somebody has assisted Kelly Bunyan, KB Chief Instructor, in capturing these precious moment.
The current generation’s photographer is often seen in front of class holding up a camera, rarely showing up in the pictures herself. One of the school’s longest standing students, an elite squad member (KB Kickboxing Black Belt and KB Kung Fu Black Sash), a loyal friend, dedicated instructor, an inspiration to the younger generation of martial artists, and cinematographer extraordinaire: Jess Baker.
Jess has been capturing priceless KB moments for years, watching history be written from a director’s perspective.
Jess says: “I joined KB back in 2003, so I’m one of the ‘old school’ members who started training before smartphones! Consequently, I don’t really have many photos or much footage of my early training years, and I wish I did. That’s probably why I really love capturing KB memories on camera – I know how this stuff will be treasured in years to come! When you see photos or footage from our classes, grading days or at the socials in the pub, it’s usually me behind the camera.”
From her words it is clear that those moments are just as valuable to her as to the people in front of the camera.
“It’s wonderful to capture the energy of the grading days, the elation and hugs and tears, the speeches at the pub… All of it. Also, the weekly ‘live feeds’ from class that get shared with the members in real time via WhatsApp. Those little clips provide a window into the dojo and provide an ongoing connection within the group. I’m so happy to be a part of the school and take the role of unofficial cinematographer :)”
KB Fitness’ Chief Instructor, Kelly (KB), recently posted a picture of her black belt students in the KB WhatsApp Group. For once, Jess was actually in the photo, joking, “We have evidence I’m still here!” Fotini Giantsiou, one of KB Fitness’ higher grades, commented: “❤ Always grateful you are behind the camera capturing amazing KB moments.”
KB members are always very appreciative of Jess’ hard work, ensuring members will have a photo to remember their achievements. Jess is at the heart of the school, a valuable asset to the team in every way, a part of KB history in her own right.