As another year draws to a close, Chief Instructor Kelly KB reflects on 2022. “The first thing to note is that in the absence of government interference, we were able to have an uninterrupted year of ‘proper’ classes,” says Kelly.
Who knew that that would be an achievement! Yet after a prolonged period of disruption in 20-21, where KB members couldn’t shout, hug, spar etc., it has been marvellous to have these freedoms restored.
Many impressive people took advantage, charging full steam ahead with the KB Fitness’ grading system. If everybody passes this month, Kelly KB will have awarded 24 new KB Kickboxing Belts this year, combined with 11 new KB Kung Fu Sashes, and 8 new KB Self Defence Level 1 Proficiency Certifications.
How many will be in the summary next year?
There were several tournaments, with many new members getting involved
and Ryan, one of KB’s Black Belts, rising to the top. Congratulations to all competitors for having the guts to give it a go.
Most importantly, KB delivered London Kickboxing, London Self Defence and London Kung Fu classes week in, week out, whatever was going on in their lives, connecting all their souls to generate a unique energy. The KB Generator did not disappoint.
“New levels of fitness were reached and great technical progress has been made this year. That’s all I can ever ask for. Thank you for your loyalty to my school. Thank you to my teaching team for helping me run our wonderful London Martial Arts classes. Assistants and Instructors alike, you are instrumental to the school’s success. I hope the year has been a good one for you. If not, there’s still a month to go. Change your mindset and end it on a high!” were Kelly’s words to KB Instructors and members.
Did the KB’s positivity inspire you to make a change? Why not follow Kelly’s advice to change your mindset, and end your year on a high by joining KB Fitness’ London Kickboxing classes?