It’s often said that there is nothing so satisfying as aiming for a goal and achieving it.
It has been an exciting few weeks at KB Fitness, as a group of beginner martial artists embarked on the final preparations to take their very first KB Kickboxing belt on Tuesday 12th March.
Their peers, both graded students and beginners alike, supported them in this first grading of their martial arts journey by sharing the reasons why they decided to start grading at KB Kickboxing:
“There is no feeling like being awarded a KB Belt! And the first one is really special. You may not feel it’s possible but remember, every single person was a beginner once. Set the goal and the KB team will get you there! Don’t sell yourself short. If you want it, go for it!” said KB Senior Instructor, Jess.
The grading process at KB Fitness is about much more than taking a belt – it is undeniably a great way to measure physical progress, as well as about mental progress and powerful changes in mindset.
“When I decided to start grading, it was about proving to myself that I could. As someone with self-esteem issues, it was very difficult for me to believe in myself. It may seem strange for people who haven’t experienced this feeling but as my punches got faster, and my kicks got higher, my self-confidence grew. This affected how I saw myself and how people in my life saw me, too. Instead of being afraid of failure, I started facing challenges with strength and courage. So, is a kickboxing grading about getting a belt? Sure, but to me, the belt is only part of the reward,” said Kelly FN.
Beth added: “Grading at KB Kickboxing is life-changing. Gradings aren’t just about performing well on the actual day – although that of course is an amazing part – but rather about the journey that you take with Kelly (KB) to get there. Yes, it’s about technique and fitness – but there are so many more facets and benefits – it’s the spiritual connection that is developed with Kelly and the school, it’s the grit and determination that’s embedded into your mindset, it’s the self-discipline that it teaches you, it’s the bond of friendships formed through many hours of training together… I could keep going and going!”
Many KB Fitness members can tell similar stories of how life-changing the grading journey was for them. They will say that it’s not only about the belt, but about what you go through along the way.
Ryan said: “The grading process is an amazing experience – it’s a chance to show off everything you’ve learned and walk away with a real sense of achievement – alongside your new belt! I don’t think it compares to anything outside the Dojo. I really recommend giving it a try. The instructors will make sure you’re prepared and ready to fly through it.”
Ruth said: “Grading is an amazing experience- it’s about what you can do to show you meet the standard, but also the whole room is with you, telling you that you can do it, and cheering for you when you pass, because we’re all there for that grading high.”
Beth, Ryan and Ruth describe two important components of the grading process: the invaluable support of Chief Instructor Kelly (KB) and the KB Instructing team, and the support from the other KB members.
The KB Kickboxing grading journey is not a lonely journey – Kelly (KB), the KB Instructors will be there every step of the way, and KB members will always be there lending their energy and rooting for you. Kim confirms it:
“The grading system is an easy way to set concrete goals and the instructors and training peers are all there to help you smash them. The journey is really transformative. There is no feeling like setting a grading goal, pushing yourself to the max on grading day and receiving a belt from Kelly,” said Kim.
“My first and only grading (until the next one) was one of the happiest days of my life. The pride I felt in myself was unbeatable and having my blue belt handed to me only made me want to train more to get my next belt!” said Hafiza.
“My thought is simply that if you’re committed, there’s no reason why you can’t achieve the goals you want to achieve, so, why not go all the way? You won’t see changes unless you truly challenge yourself. At KB we have all the support we need and more, so my advice is: GO FOR IT!” said Sue.
KB Kickboxing gradings are definitely challenging – they’re supposed to be. They are meaningful to each and every KB Fitness member past and present. Students may get started on the grading journey for different reasons, but they all agree that it’s well worth it. Once they experience the indescribable feeling of achievement that only a KB Kickboxing grading can bring, they are eager to recommend the experience to others, because they know how life-changing it can be.
Have you found this article by searching for “Kickboxing classes near me”? do you want to change your body and your mindset, and become the best version of yourself? Well, you’re in luck, you’ve found a great place to start your martial arts journey. Book your first KB Kickboxing London class today.