After such a long time, we were ecstatic to be able to return to sparring this week in our London martial arts school! WHAT A TREAT to be able to make contact again. COVID restrictions deprived us of one of the best aspects of our training experience and now we’re delighted to be reunited with it!
Newer members were equally excited, since they have never seen sparring in the school – many of whom have already said they would love to try it.
We certainly all released an abundance of endorphins as a result. Our Kickboxing school’s WhatsApp group was awash with positivity and celebration; an excitement that even the scorching heat of summer would not dare quell. Sparring is very popular as it is so exhilarating.
There is nothing quite like the high of sparring at our Kickboxing classes in London and our Kung Fu classes. The feeling of landing a fast, well-placed shot, combined with the roar that comes from scoring that point is so breath-taking.
It is the return to what our London Kickboxing classes used to be, before all the restrictions. Of course, we still made the most of everything we were given: online classes, air working, doing every call, and so on, but we now have the opportunity to put all the lessons into full practice, such as speed and range. Not to mention experiencing all the benefits of sparring, such as superior fitness, control of impact, sharpening and cleanliness of techniques, improved footwork, and much more.
The school’s reigning KB League Champion, Jenny Whinney, wrote:
‘How wonderful that sparring and contact for blocks will all be back. It’s going to be a roaring fire of excitement on Tuesday. Thank you for keeping everything going through the restrictions so we have a school, venue, classes and instructors available to jump straight back to it all as soon as the restrictions are lifted. Can’t wait to make it into the dojo to train and feel the KB energy in the room.’
We are making the most of all restrictions being lifted whilst we can. Are you keen to get started in the martial arts and see what all the excitement is about? If so…