
It is disgraceful that in 2022 people are still subjected to racism and prejudice. Sera Singh, one of KB Fitness’ members, suffered verbal abuse when walking home after a KB Self Defence class in London last Monday.

She shared her distress in the school’s WhatsApp group: “I almost had to use that self-defence on my way back home. ☹ Had a random guy yelling at me that these dark people don’t deserve to live.”

What an unpleasant experience! Thankfully the attack was only verbal, and Sera chose not to engage with the person.

Immediately after posting about the incident, she received support from other members and Chief Instructor, Kelly (KB). Kelly (KB) replied: “I am so sorry that you were subjected to this and entirely aware that sorrow is just not enough.”

KB Fitness is a safe haven for all members; a discrimination-free place, where everyone is welcome and free to be themselves without fear of judgement. In the KB Kickboxing class and KB Self Defence classes in Central London, KB members hone their confidence and martial arts skills in a nurturing and non-violent way.

KB members are the type to speak out and defend their beliefs, all the while spreading nothing but love to the other members. Tim Johnson, who trains with KB Fitness online from Chicago, USA, said: “Really sorry to hear that but really glad you are part of the KB family: strength, love and positivity are so powerful in this school, no hateful person is any match.”

Indeed, KB is a place of light and positivity. KB members learn to focus on taking a positive “I can” attitude to training, and to life. There is also an intrinsic sense of care and compassion between the members that can be rare in today’s society.

Ruth MacLeod, a long-standing KB member commented “Hope you’re home safe now. ❤”

It puts a dark cloud over life when people are judged, but it is even more terrible when race, or sexual orientation, or appearance take a front seat and that is all that we become, rather than our actions and our hearts.

Sera finished by saying, “it’s really a shame when all these things happen and makes you feel terrible afterwards. I’ve learnt to just let it go – some people just can’t change. ☹ But I have lots of lovely people like you guys who are so kind. 😊 Often people hesitate to share these things and just bottle up their emotions. I always believe that just talking about it and not bottling up your emotions helps so much. There are always lovely people out there who are so supportive and that makes it so much easier to move past.”

KB instructors are so glad to teach and empower people of any age, race, size, gender, or appearance.

Do you want to feel empowered and supported to be yourself too?




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