KB Chief Instructor, Kelly Bunyan, started training in the martial arts in 1985. Partner work has always been integral to the the training regime. Whether working on focus mitts or sparring (punching and kicking one another in a controlled, sporting manner).
Sparring is such a great element of training in the martial arts; it is simply exhilarating. It speeds up reaction time (great for self-defence), it teaches range (knowing where to be stood to land a punch and kick). Plus it is SO MUCH fun.
Kelly adds: “I’d be lying if I said my students weren’t missing sparring. That said, we have an excellent substitute online and in the dojo until the COVID-19 restrictions are lifted: shadow sparring.
I can’t wait for the day when everybody will be sparring again, how appreciative we will all be!”
KB Members aim for each other in the dojo’s mirrors, or if training online, their target is on the screen. Sparring in this way continues to be an upbeat cardio-blasting workout.
Actually shadow sparring has always existed as a component of KB Kickboxing’s training, to move freely, uninhibited, without the need to actually block real strikes. Visualising the fight is a great workout in its own right, however, our newest beginners find it harder to visualise.
To assist them, Kelly recently prepared a tutorial to help them with the points style sparring. Take a look and if you’d like to start training in the martial arts, book your KB Kickboxing trial.