At class recently, our members were drilling 10 kicks to every call – that is a tremendous amounts of kicks in one session. Everybody’s legs were feeling it afterwards!
When looking for a new way to get into shape, has kickboxing ever crossed your mind? Well, kicking is an excellent way to strengthen and tone your legs, glutes, core muscles at the same time as improving your balance and posture.
Adding to this, kicking, an integral part of training in the martial arts, increases your heart rate, so it’s a great workout – burning calories and increasing stamina.
What a result, when the whole body is getting a great workout, not to mention the mind. Most importantly, it’s fun.
There is nothing like a good kick drill to get the endorphins flowing and stress relieved. Many of our students will tell you that kicking is their favourite aspect of training and that progressing with their kicks is addictive.
Chris says of this week’s lesson plan: “Wow, after all the years I’ve been training, class still pushes me to the max. My legs were on fire – in an exhilarating way. LOVE the way I feel when I’m kicking, completely in the moment and free of all that’s been concerning me that day!”
We teach several kinds of kicks at KB classes. From the basic front kick, to a flash spinning diagonal hook kick; they all help you to unleash your inner martial artist.
Chief Instructor, Kelly Bunyan (KB), adds, “Yes, kicks are great for fitness. The movement is so unusual compared to our ordinary motor skills, that there is a tremendous sense of achievement when we flow in our training. It is truly freeing. As well as feeling great, learning how to kick is equally great for self-defence. The kicks we teach could be an effective way to keep an attacker away.”
Whether you would like to start kicking for fitness, fun or self-defence, you will certainly be more energised. If you would like to kick yourself fit, come to our Kickboxing classes in London.