Orena, one of the Blue Belt Graders said: “Thank you Kelly KB for making it come true with your kickboxing class, guidance, motivation, and inspiration. Thank you to all the instructors for teaching us and the KB Family for motivating us.”
They weren’t the only ones who excelled at their kickboxing goals. Bess and Pearl, sisters who embarked on the grading journey together took their Green Belts in kickboxing.
Fascinatingly, their mum, Kim, was one of the Blue Belt Graders, also known as the ‘Kung Fu Pandas!’ Kim said: “Today was so special. Thank you, Kelly for all the energy and time you devoted to bringing us up to the levels we have achieved. I’m so proud of everyone’s achievements today. The energy was amazing.”
When setting the goal to grade in kickboxing classes, some members will be doubtful as to whether they can do it, whether they will pass. Kelly KB’s message about this is to approach martial arts training at kickboxing London with a positive mindset, and strong belief in yourself. She adds:
“I believe in my students and know that my knowledge and experience will get anybody who wants to commit and progress, from one belt to the next. They’ve just got to absorb my London kickboxing teachings and respond to me. I will be with them every step of the way and together we will soar. The last 10 calls of every grading, just before I pas my students, lifts me again and again. We literally fly as a team.”
Among all the fun, emotions, and high standard fighting, we cannot leave out mentioning all the members who came to support the kickboxing graders by training alongside them, and the spectators who came to watch the tournament. Every joy in life is better when it is shared, and to KB members, it is invaluable to be able to share such a joyful day with the KB Family.
Do you want to experience the kind of joy that comes from knowing you have achieved something amazing? Join a kickboxing class today.