
Empowerment Through Preparation: Why KB Members Train in Self-Defence

KB Self Defence classes are about more than just learning techniques – they offer empowerment, confidence, and a better chance to protect yourself if the need arises. While no one likes to think about the possibility of being in a threatening situation, being prepared is a powerful tool that can make all the difference.

For Ruth, self-defence training initially started as a requirement for grading in kickboxing. However, it quickly became something more meaningful: “I soon realised that it’s a different discipline, and it’s important to be aware of your surroundings and prepared just in case. I enjoy the partner work and testing out different techniques, especially seeing how a smaller person can still defend themselves.” This awareness of how technique can overcome size and strength is a recurring theme for many KB members.

Neil echoes this sentiment: “It’s important to know how to defend yourself in a real-life situation if needed. I like the body mechanics and physics of learning how to get someone bigger off me.” He also points out the practicality of attending: “KB Self Defence classes are included in our membership, we’re already in the dojo to attend KB Kickboxing classes, so why not do both? It just makes sense to train in both disciplines to help make yourself the best and most well-rounded martial artist you can be.”

Confidence is a key benefit of regular self-defence training. Kelly FN shares: “KB Self Defence classes make me feel empowered and more confident. I hope I never have to use what I learn, but it makes me feel much better knowing how to get away from a strangle or a grab. Yes, I know it’s not pleasant to think about these situations, but isn’t it better to approach them in a learning scenario than face them in real life without having the knowledge to get away?”

For Jess, self-defence training is about more than just physical skills: “Learning self-defence makes me feel safer, stronger and more capable. Doing something proactive to counter the scary ‘what ifs’ in life is really empowering. I think it’s fantastic that we can train in both disciplines.”

The sense of empowerment that comes with practice and repetition is something Zuzanna values highly: “With time, even the moves that require a lot of focus to execute correctly become something I do almost automatically. It’s an empowering feeling, which makes me hope that in real life I could rely on those skills to protect myself if needed.”

Ryan highlights the complementary nature of self-defence to martial arts training: “Training in KB Self Defence makes you a much more well-rounded martial artist, as situations such as being strangled or put in a headlock aren’t covered in the KB Kickboxing syllabus. Although you’d prefer to never need it, it’s potentially lifesaving stuff – plus you still get a good cardio workout and have fun at the same time.”

For many KB members, the value of KB Self Defence classes lies in the practical knowledge that could one day save their lives. Kelly FN points out: “KB instructors teach us skills that actually work, and they show us why it works. Yes, they teach us that running away is our first line of defence, but what if we can’t? We learn to be as prepared and safe as we can be.”

Bess sums up the appeal of  KB Self Defence classes simply: “I attend because it makes me feel more confident, and I enjoy the varied techniques we explore every week.”

At KB Fitness, self-defence training is about equipping members with skills, confidence, and a proactive approach to their personal safety. It’s an empowering journey that not only enhances martial arts training but also provides peace of mind in knowing that you’re prepared for the variety of situations that life might throw your way.

Did you find this article by searching for ‘self-defence classes near me’ or ‘beginner self-defence classes’? KB Fitness classes cater to complete beginners as well as more experienced martial artists. Be proactive, invest in your wellbeing. Book your first KB Self Defence class today.




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