
“Swish, swish” go the colourful KB Kung Fu sashes in the corridor. When there is passion and addiction to train, a martial artist will train anywhere.

That’s the spirit of KB Fitness’ Chief Instructor, Kelly (KB) and her students on Tuesday evenings.

Even an extra 20 minutes of KB Kung Fu class in London in the corridor for those who really love training is welcome and appreciated. It is a new addition to Tuesdays’ training sessions. With such space restriction, it is a cosy approach to martial arts training! 

“A confined space is a neat way to practise range, KB Kung Fu forms and even KB Self Defence,” comments one of the members. Like a well-oiled machine, KB members know just how much space they will need and can share.

Indeed, there is no way to predict how an attack would happen. It could very well happen in an alley, or a corridor. Practising techniques to get away from that kind of situation would surely come in handy.

Kelly (KB) walks the length of the corridor giving corrections, teaching new moves, giving feedback, and one-to-one attention to each of her students. KB Kung Fu members can come together at their martial arts classes and work together, as a team, all the while pursuing their individual journey as a martial artist.

One of KB Fitness’ higher graders says: “These extra 20 minutes a week are truly valuable and appreciated, no matter where they take place. Kelly has a busy life and didn’t have to stay extra time, but she does because she cares. That is what makes KB Fitness so special and that’s why the students are so loyal: because it is reciprocated. You would think that the members wouldn’t want to train in a smaller space, but every single person stays every week because we see the value of what we are learning. We’ve done home training during lockdowns, sometimes with much less space, why wouldn’t we make the most of the opportunity to train together for longer on Tuesdays?”

Are you at all intrigued by KB members’ passion for training? Come and check out our classes.




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