
Naturally, we were disappointed to learn that the UK is set to head into a 2nd lockdown. Despite our disappointment, we were determined to ensure that the last classes in our dojo were memorable.

Indeed they were! In fact, the classes exceeded all expectations and everybody present literally roared and soared their way into the lockdown and their consequential virtual dojo.

What a highlight in KB’s 21 year history – everybody present felt the euphoria. Kelly and her students were mimicking birds, flying around the room, cherishing the last minutes training in the same space.

The school’s WhatsApp group was full of positivity after class, everybody buzzing from the collective energy generated. KB Brown Belt, Ryan Lucas-Reid said:

“I’m still running on a high from last night’s class. So many memorable moments! Thank you for reminding us to appreciate the moment, the space, being able to train, each other and the KB constant that is you! 🙂 It seems crazy to think we’re the first generation of martial artists to embrace technology in this way. I’m sure the monks wouldn’t have dreamt such a thing would be possible. Thank you for being a Digital Kung Fu pioneer! and leading us through these strange times.'”

Indeed, Kelly continually endeavours to guide her students to see the positive in every situation. She adds: 

‘It’s so important to celebrate our health and strength. Seeking the joy in dark times is so beneficial. I absolutely LOVED our classes last night. We share a special bond, which travels with us from the dojo into the virtual realm. We’re not saying goodbye to the dojo, but rather au revoir.”

Only a small space is required to train online. Classes are so engaging and uplifting, and now they’re from the comfort of your own home, perhaps it’s time to try a KB Kickboxing class?  Click the link below if so.




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